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Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. This website (at ehelper.com.au) and the mobile application (collectively, the eHelper Platform) and the products and services offered through eHelper Platform are created and operated by L & Z Serviceshop Pty Ltd (ACN 638 045 066) (eHelper, we, our or us). By accessing and using the eHelper Platform, you agree to this Privacy Policy.
1.2. This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with the eHelper Marketplace Terms and Conditions (eHelper Agreement). Unless otherwise stipulated in this Privacy Policy, defined terms have the meaning in the eHelper Agreement.
1.3. We are committed to ensuring your personal information is protected. We manage your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act. Accordingly, our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, store, use and disclose your Personal Information, and how you may access your Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) kept by us or how you may make a privacy complaint.
1.4. Without limiting our rights under this policy, this Privacy Policy applies to visitors to the eHelper Platform, Customers and Service Providers who access and use the eHelper Platform.

2. The information we collect about you

2.1. We will only collect and hold Personal Information about you that is reasonably necessary to undertake our business activities and functions, to deliver the eHelper Platform and the products and services to you, or as otherwise permitted by law.
2.2. The type of Personal Information that we collect, and use depends on the type of dealings that you have with us and includes the following:
(a) the Customer’s contact details (including but not limited to, your username and password, full name, email address, and mobile number); and
(b) the Service Provider’s contact and business details (including but not limited to, username and password, full name, email address, mobile number, and if registered as a company, your business name and company registration number
(c) the Service Provider’s age, gender, professional qualifications, the number of years of experience held by the Service Provider, location, types of service you supply, areas where you provide services, price, periods available for hiring;
(d) photographs of the Service Provider or its Personnel and any other photos you choose to upload to the eHelper Platform;
(e) information relating to any enquiries you have made with us, including information Helper Services you supply, sell or order through the eHelper Platform;
(f) information regarding your access and use of the eHelper Platform, such as location information, dates and times of visits to the eHelper Platform; and
(g) other information that you provide to us or that we may collect in the course of our relationship with you.
2.3. We do not collect your Sensitive Information (as defined by the Privacy Act).

3. How we collect Personal Information

3.1. We will collect Personal Information about you in a number of different ways. We may collect Personal Information directly from you or in the course of our dealings with you. For example, when:
(a) you access or use the eHelper Platform, create an Advertisement or transact with us on, or via, the eHelper Platform (including when you open an Account or create or update your Customer Profile or Service Provider Profile on, or, via, the eHelper Platform);
(b) you contact and correspond with us;
(c) you subscribe to our promotions, publications, and alerts;
(d) you make a query, request or complaint through the eHelper Platform or through a linked social media website, by email or via telephone;
(e) participate in a competition or promotion offered by us through the eHelper Platform;
(f) you apply for employment with us; or
(g) when otherwise legally authorised or required to do so.
3.2. When we collect Personal Information directly from you, we will take reasonable steps to notify you (using a collection notice) at, before, or as soon as practicable after, the time of collection.

4. How we use your Personal Information

By using the eHelper Platform, you consent to us using your Personal Information for the purposes disclosed in this document. We do not sell your Personal Information. We use and disclose your Personal Information for the purposes for which the information is collected, including (but not limited to) to:
(a) enabling Customers to advertise that they are seeking Helper Services;
(b) connecting Customers with Service Providers who supply Helper Services;
(c) assist with responding to any queries, requests or complaints raised by any users or visitors of the eHelper Platform;
(d) to verify your entity as a Service Provider or Customer (such as your phone number and email address);
(e) inform you about the eHelper Platform and Helper Services and ancillary products or services displayed or listed on the eHelper Platform (including any modifications and enhancements to the eHelper Platform), or other matters which we believe are of interest to you (such as Advertisements, promotions, events, products and services displayed or posted on, or via, the eHelper Platform);
(f) assess your suitability for employment with us at eHelper Platform;
(g) share such Personal Information with our third party providers;
(h) for marketing purposes; and
(i) complying with our legal and regulatory obligations.

5. Disclosure to Third Parties

5.1. In order to provide or deliver the eHelper Platform to you, we may disclose your Personal Information to:
(a) our related bodies corporate, business partners, Customers and Service Providers and third party contractors;
(b) authorised external service providers who perform functions on our behalf, such as financial and third party payment processers in order to process any payments, internet and technology and software services providers, web developers, hosting companies, marketing, advertising and security service providers, fulfilment companies, credit reporting agents, debt collection agents, market research and recruitment service providers; and
(c) external business advisors, such as auditors, lawyers, insurers and financiers, (collectively, Third Party Providers).
5.2. We may also disclose your Personal Information to:
(a) to any other party with your consent and direction; and
(b) law enforcement bodies or regulatory authorities to assist with their functions, or as otherwise required or authorised by law.
5.3. Prior to the disclosure of Personal Information to Third Party Providers, we will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the Third Party Providers treat your Personal Information securely, and otherwise complies with the relevant Australian Privacy Principles in relation to the Personal Information.
5.4. If you log on to the eHelper Platform with your login credentials from a social networking platform or site, we may receive Personal Information about you from these social networking platforms or sites in accordance with the terms and conditions of these third-party social media platforms or sites. For example, when you log into the eHelper Platform on, or via, Facebook, Google, WeChat or Apple, we may access, collect and store the following information (depending on your private settings on these third party sites): (a) your name; (b) your profile picture; (c) your email address;. However, we do not share any Personal Information with such third party platforms or sites, and we do not receive or collect your password for these third party platforms or sites.

6. Third party payment processor

6.1. We use third party payment processors, Wechat Pay, Alipay and Stripe to process payments made to us. In connection with the processing of such payments, we do not collect, process, use, share, store or disclose any Personal Information or payment information (such as credit card and bank account details). Rather, all such information is provided directly to our third party processor, Wechat Alipay or Stripe, whose use of your Personal Information is governed by their privacy policy, which may be viewed at www.wechat.com/en/privacy_policy.html and render.alipay.com/p/f/agreementpages/alipayglobalprivacypolicy.html and www.stripe.com/au/privacy.

7. Marketing communications

7.1. We may use and disclose your Personal Information to send you information about the services we offer, as well as other information that may be of interest to you. We may send this information in a variety of ways, such as by mail, email, SMS, telephone, social media or by customising online content and displaying advertising on the eHelper Platform.
7.2. If you do not wish to receive any of these marketing communications, you can opt out by following the unsubscribe instructions included in the relevant marketing communication, or by contacting us using the contact details set out in section 12 below.

8. Overseas disclosures of Personal Information

8.1. In the course of providing you with our products and services through the eHelper Platform, it may become necessary or desirable to disclose Personal Information to Third Party Providers located in Australia and elsewhere in the world. The countries in which these overseas recipients may be located will depend upon the individual circumstances. However, in the course of our ordinary business operations we commonly disclose Personal Information to Third Party Providers who may be located outside of Australia, including Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore the United States of America, China and other countries from time to time.
8.2. The laws where these overseas recipients may be located provide various levels of protection for Personal Information which are not always equivalent to the level of protection that may be provided for in Australia. Where we transfer your Personal Information overseas we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Information is treated securely and the means of transfer provides adequate safeguards.

9. Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme

In the event of any loss, or unauthorised access or disclosure of your Personal Information that is likely to result in serious harm to you, we will investigate and notify you and the Australian Information Commissioner as soon as practicable, in accordance with notifiable data breach scheme contained in Part IIIC of the Privacy Act.

10. Security of your Personal Information

10.1. We take steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the Personal Information it holds is protected from misuse, interference, loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
10.2. The transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. We cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our online services and any transmission is at your own risk.
10.3. You can uninstall the eHelper Platform at any time. This will automatically delete all Personal Information stored on your device, but this will not automatically delete Personal Information stored on our servers or on another user’s device who you have been interacting with.
10.4. We aim to ensure that Personal Information is kept as current as possible and that irrelevant or excessive data is deleted or made anonymous as soon as reasonably possible. However, we might need to keep some Personal Information for a longer period of time to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and for other legitimate business reasons.

11. Accessing, correcting and deleting your Personal Information

11.1. We take steps that are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure Personal Information we hold is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading. Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to access and seek correction or deletion of your Personal Information that is collected and held by us.
11.2. If at any time you would like to access, correct or delete certain Personal Information we hold about you, or you would like more information about our approach to privacy, please contact us via the contact details set out in section 12 below. If we refuse your request to access, correct or delete your Personal Information, we will provide you with written reasons for the refusal and details of complaint mechanisms.

12. Privacy complaints

If you have any complaints or issues you wish to raise with us regarding the way we have handled your Personal Information, or would like to discuss any issues about our Privacy Policy, please contact us directly by email at admin@ehelper.com.au :

13. Translation

This Privacy Policy is drafted in the English language. If this Privacy Policy is translated into any other language, the English language text will prevail.

14. Changes to this Privacy Policy

From time to time it may be necessary for us to review and revise our Privacy Policy. We may notify you about changes to this Privacy Policy by posting an updated version on our website. We encourage you to check our website from time to time to ensure you are familiar with our latest Privacy Policy.